About The Family
The Critters
Mistress Tally Applebottom is a sweet, docile soul who joined the family in 2013 when Nelly foolishly tried to volunteer as a dog walker at a Brooklyn animal shelter. The Applebottom was the second dog she walked on her first day, and despite her heartworm, alopecia, intestinal worms, and objectionable odor, Roger was eventually completely won over (by the dog, of course). After healing up from all her health issues she filled out into the friendliest, best-behaved little angel you'll ever meet. However, do NOT let the, "I've never been fed in my life," look that she has honed and perfected fool you.
Our newest addition to the family is Ruby The Troll Dog (aka Verity Vaquita Pushpram). She was found on the side of the highway in February 2022 with a face covered in scars, slashed ears, and an obvious history of repetitive breeding. Despite having every reason not to trust humans, she is the sunniest of creatures whose only desire is to please. She adores people, other dogs, and cats. Sadly, cats don't like her. But we're working on it.
We found Sir Marvin Caligula ScreamyPants Eatstoomuch Gingerballs IV in the second half of 2019, stealing chicken sandwiches from divers' trucks at a nearby cenote, and took him home. We didn't want our elderly tortoiseshell kitty, Myfanwy, to share her precious house-space with another cat, so we agreed that he should be an outdoor palapa cat. When Tropical Storm Cristobal hit us, Marvin jumped over our garden wall and screamed to be allowed in, and somehow, he just never left the house. He's kind of a jerk and he bullies the Applebottom mercilessly while hating Ruby with the heat of a thousand suns, but he is adorable, affectionate to the point of clinginess to us, and likes very violent belly rubs.
Esmerelda "Esme" Weatherwax joined us in October 2021. Coming home from dinner one night Rog had heartburn, so we stopped at a nearby gas station for a soothing beverage. Where Nelly spotted this teeny ~8 week old girl living in a decaying building in the parking lot. Deciding it was finally time to have two cats in the house again we scooped up this feisty, curious, friendly little electron and brought her to her new home. She has settled into a seemingly happy routine of bouncing off the walls at 600mph, chasing her tail, and attacking random spots on the ground where there is nothing there.
Astonishingly, not only did Marvin not eat her... he absolutely adores her. And she him. They dote on one another constantly and are rarely found more than a few feet apart either playing, grooming, napping, or screaming a duet for food.
Resemblance to our old kitties is purely coincidental. These two are very much their own people.
In Loving Memory...
Sadly, our surly orange tabby, E[vil] L[ittle] F[*ck], left us in early April 2019 after a mercifully short illness. He is memoralised by the very beautiful but unexpectedly thorny (just like him!) orange bougainvillea you will see planted in front of our house.
Sweet, beautiful Myfanwy passed away in October 2020, right after Hurricane Gamma. She lies near the carport, under four plants that Nelly started in her memory: aloe vera, pineapple, and self-propagated bougainvilleas and frangipanis.