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What am I, a Fucking Surfer?

No matter how good your instructor is...

No matter how badass the class purports to be...

No matter how spiffy the c-card is...

Mastery takes time.

You may have just gotten the best credential of the coolest class from the best instructor of the best agency of the whole entire world.

You have only just learned these skills. Just because your instructor clapped and shook your hand doesn't mean you're you're a fucking jedi.

You're a newbie.

You need practice. Which will take time. And, frustratingly, just because time passes, doesn't mean that you're in practice... what we hate to admit is that just as often as not, time passing means more OUT of practice.

All this adds up to patience.

Because if you decide you are going to push to your very boundaries right after class (or after a break)... Or, Cernobog forbid, you decide to push past the limits of even that training...

Well, to scramble a metaphor, you're never gonna manage to paint the wave properly... you're likelier to get crushed beneath it.


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