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Dive Training

At XOC-Ha, we place the utmost importance on welcoming students from all over the world and giving them a thorough, well-balanced, and yet fun educational experience. Diving is a tremendously fun activity that can positively transform one's life, but like all aquatic endeavors, it is not without its risks; overhead diving obviously entails even more. At XOC-Ha, it is our mission to train independent, safety-minded divers who can not only be ambassadors for the sport, but also stewards for Earth's most precious resource: its water.


What Training Is Available?

XOC-Ha is primarily an overhead and technical diving facility. Rog is a TDI and NSS-CDS instructor up to trimix and full cave as well as a Megalodon CCR Instructor. He also offers staged cave diving and DPV modules. However, courses at all levels are available starting with open water or even, if you can make a persuasive case, Discover Scuba.


Cavern Diver 

The cavern diver course may be taken as a stand-alone course for those who simply wish to tour caverns in a safe and efficient manner or by those who eventually wish to be certified as cave divers. It all starts with improving a diver's buoyancy, trim, propulsion techniques, line-work, and gear configuration awareness.


Intro to Cave / Apprentice Cave
Here, students will learn to make cave dives, albeit within strict parameters. Students will further refine their linework, communication, and emergency skills without the distractions of complex navigation and decompression obligations.  Candidates will also be limited to no more than one-sixth of a set of doubles.


Full Cave
Arguably the benchmark in technical dive training, the full cave course demands extreme skills refinement and peak levels of control and awareness. Advanced navigation, gas management, and dive planning will be discussed in detail. And the bubble gun will become your best friend. Candidates passing this course will be prepared to explore one of the most unforgiving (but most beautiful) environments in the world.

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Some say that nothing is more important in life than fame, fortune, and the number of "likes" you get on Facebook. We beg to differ. The best thing in life is making better divers, meeting new friends, and having fun in the process (although Facebook "likes" certainly don't hurt!).

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**NOTE**  All training requiring water skills is limited to 3 divers max.

Training is available through TDI/SDI and NSS/CDS.  Click the links below to explore the differences or, you know... just ask.


Stage Cave
More complex dive and gas planning are introduced with an additional gas supply.  More penetration time and distance are managed both during comprehensive pre-dive planning and during "on-the-fly" recalculation of safe gas reserves for the team.  The course will start with a single additional stage and potentially work up to carrying two extra bottles so you have the hydrodynamics of a volkswagon.


Intro to Tech / AN-DP / Helitrox / Trimix
Those are each different classes.
They represent the progression of the open water modules targeting mastery of the stability and control required for staged decompression diving.  Each introduces more equipment and more complex dive planning and execution.
NOTE: A Deco Cave course is also available if one only prefers hard overhead.


DPV Cave
Traveling three or more times faster through a cave means problems can present three or more times faster, too.  In this course advanced team problem solving is practiced to ensure you're prepared to limp home safely from potentially miles back no matter how much Murphy's Law presented on any given day.  You'll definitely spend a bunch of time getting really personal with your team.


No, it as not as easy as moving tanks from your back to your sides.  There is no real "standard" for sidemount as there is for backmount; in this class a lot of variables of equipment, configuration, and philosophies will be discussed.  We'll also spend a LOT of time getting whatever harness you like fitted precisely to your body to ensure that you are stable, streamlined, and comfortable throughout your dives.

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