Just Keep Swimming
Chances are pretty good that if you still bother reading any of my drivel it’s because you’re a diver. And, as a diver, you’ve got it in...
Chances are pretty good that if you still bother reading any of my drivel it’s because you’re a diver. And, as a diver, you’ve got it in...
But what about The Bends?!?!?! Asks every newish diver. Every magazine, every message board, every social media group… from the...
Every instructor has their own way of doing things. Sometimes it is dictated by a shop. Or an agency. Or a mentor. Sometimes they’ve...
I don’t think I’m going to do a ton of double-stage diving anytime in the near future. I’m starting to think it’s kinda dumb. Down here,...
You ever try to change an entire culture? It’s like trying to turn one of those 1,300 foot container ships. On which every container has...
It was like one of those “Find Ten Differences” puzzles in the kids’ magazines at the dentist office. Or those Magic Eye posters on...