The Very First Rule
One of the very many things I love about living and working here is that I’m surrounded by so many dedicated, talented, and passionate...
One of the very many things I love about living and working here is that I’m surrounded by so many dedicated, talented, and passionate...
I am not a superstitious person. Despite my affinity for tarot cards I don't believe in divination. I don't think there's anything...
For a very long time I worked for shops that only just met the bare minimum standards to certify divers. And I would get castigated for...
Making the transition from recreational to technical is easier for some divers than others, but it is by no means ever simply easy....
The first question I always asked customers looking for fins when they walked into this or that dive shop where I worked was, "Do you...
Today we’ll be pointed at a section of cave which, if you can even find it, the likelihood of having enough gas to actually make it there...
There’s a thread going on one of the last remaining message boards that isn’t on the dark-web about the relative safety of cave diving...