Through Stormy Seas
You ever try to change an entire culture? It’s like trying to turn one of those 1,300 foot container ships. On which every container has...
You ever try to change an entire culture? It’s like trying to turn one of those 1,300 foot container ships. On which every container has...
I’m not an explorer. There are some qualifiers to that, I suppose. But in the conventional sense of cave exploration… I just don’t care....
It was like one of those “Find Ten Differences” puzzles in the kids’ magazines at the dentist office. Or those Magic Eye posters on...
We’ve been at this divers’ BnB thing for about three years now. Neither Nelly nor I are anniversary sorts of people. To the point that...
“Hey look! It’s a waterspout.” Says I, as a wet, grey cone starts to reach down from the heavens a few kilometers away. “A what?” Asked...