Live Life
Divers tend to be rich. Tech divers especially. No, no, no. Of course you, reading this, don't have apocalypse bunkers in several scenic...
Reordering Everything
What gets you to change your mind about things that are fundamental to your practices? Something really big, that you’ve raised your...
Mandala Effect Monday
There's this story about a contestant on an old quiz show called You Bet Your Life. A woman with (varyingly according to the telling)...
Who are You Supposed to be Now?
The core problem, I believe, is that it is so easy to see the positives in everything. I'll wait until you stop laughing. I'm starting a...
What's the Word Again? Right on the Tip of my Tongue
For all the fact that I can go on an on for pages (frequently without saying a single thing) one of the things I love most about this...
Just One More Breath
We've just bid farewell to some favourite guests, have a couple of days off, and it's a gorgeous day outside. This, all working in...