Remember when those hippie activists noticed there was a giant damned hole in the ozone layer that we need for our survival... then they...
I thought my CCR instructor was being hyperbolic. Melodramatic. "If you do this for long enough," He had said, before accepting me as a...
Good Luck With That
Some people do, indeed, go too far too fast. I wrote a whole thing about it. Probably several things, because it's something I feel...
... It Just Keeps Me Hangin On
My day: 7:30 - Deliver breakfast to guests 8:00 - We load into the truck and head to the fill station for tanks 8:30 - Armed with tanks...
Doing Nothing is Hard
Gout is the goddamned worst. For those of you who neither have it nor know anyone who does: Imagine the first knuckle of your big toe...
Value of Staying Horizontal (Volume 4,387,279)
You know what part of a dive - any dive - is when problems are most likely to present? We always train and plan and practice managing our...